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Dr. Violette's Reflection on "Good Energy" by Casey Means

Casey Means' new book, Good Energy, is a must-read in today's fast-paced society. She serves as a guide to the science of energy and its impact on our bodies and minds, introducing a new way of thinking about food and health. Dr. Means brings the Functional Medicine approach to the masses, promoting a culture of wellness that is much needed in our society.

Good Energy provides information on metabolism and limitless health through backed research. It covers a section on functional medicine labs and how they can impact your health journey. Labs are one of the things we strongly emphasize in our clinic- using the motto “don’t guess, test”. Casey Means dives into the “normal” ranges typically preached to us and compares them to the more functional medicine approach of what she has discovered to be “optimal” ranges. 

In her book, Dr. Means uses Functional Medicine’s food-first approach, describing how she finds awe in food within her principles of good energy eating. She formulates an amazing health quiz to assess a starting point in your health journey and finally gives you a realistic and easy plan to get started. We believe that diet is a fundamental part of your health journey, what you fuel your body with can make such a huge difference in the quality of your health. 

Finally, I love the part of the book where she talks about finding balance and trusting yourself. I have told my patients time and time again: “You are your own best doctor,” “Trust your gut,” and “You know you better than anyone else!” She hits home in this part of the book, where she talks about discovering yourself, making connections, and finding balance. 

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